Learn how to install AspGrid and familiarize yourself with the structure of a sample database that will be used throughout the manual.
Build your first simple grid interface to a database table.
Get acquainted with the AspGrid object model.
- Learn how to format your grid and take advantage of edit controls such as drop-down list boxes, checkboxes and textareas.
- AspGrid allows you to specify all parameters via an XML document. This chapter explains how.
- Learn how to use client-side JavaScript to validate user input. Also, learn how to perform server-side validation.
- Using the component in a frame environment has its issues. This chapter demonstrates how to deal with them.
- You don't have to be limited by the default display functionality of AspGrid. Learn how to take grid rendering into your own hands.
- AspGrid enables you to display all records in the edit mode at the same time. Learn how to do it and what implications this special mode has on client-side JavaScript validation. This chapter also explains how to take advantage of the Update-All-At-Once mode introduced by AspGrid 3.1.
- Learn how to take advantage of AspGrid's support for data-bound forms.
- If your table contains hundreds or thousands of records, paging down is not the most efficient way to find a record you need. Learn how to use the built-in search functionality of AspGrid to "jump" to a record that meets certain criteria.
- Being a true COM+ component, AspGrid supports role-based access control provided by MTS/Component Services. Learn how to use COM+ Roles with AspGrid to enforce various security restrictions.
- Find instant answers to the most common how-to questions.