Block Object


The Block object represents a single block (cell) within a grid row including its opening and closing <TD> or <TH> tags, opening and closing <FONT> tags and actual values.

An instance of the Block object can be obtained via the collection Row.Blocks.

Member List


CloseFont As String (Read-only)
Response.Write Block.CloseFont

CloseTD As String (Read-only)
Returns the string "</TD>".

Font As String (Read-only)
Returns the <FONT> tag (if applicable) with all its attributes for this block.

Index As Long (Read-only)
Returns a 1-based index of this block within a row. For example, if a grid shows left-side control buttons, the block representing the cell with the buttons returns index 1, the first data block returns index 2, etc.

TD As String (Read-only)
Returns the <TD> tag with all its attributes for this block.

Value As String (Read-only)
Returns this block's value. This can either be a number/string (if this row is in the regular edit mode), or HTML code for an edit control (if this row is in the edit mode).


This object has no methods.
Row Object