Output Object


The Output object is a collection of individual grid elements. This object enables you to access grid items programmatically, and customize the default appearance of your grid. For more intormation on how to use the Output object, see Chapter 8, Chapter 9 and Chapter 10.

The Caption object is populated by a call to Grid.Display( False ) or Grid.BuildForm, and returned by the property Grid.Output.

Member List


CaptionTag As String (Read-only)
Returns the <CAPTION> tag and its content for the grid.

CloseForm As String (Read-only)
Returns the closing </FORM> tag. This property should only be used when Grid.BuildForm(False) is called.

CloseTableTag As String (Read-only)
Returns the string "</TABLE>".

FooterRow As Object (Read-only)
Returns the Row object that represents a grid's footer row.

Form As Object (Read-only)
Returns the <FORM> tag for a form used when Grid.BuildForm( False ) is called. This property should not be used in any other scenario.

HeaderRow As Object (Read-only)
Returns the Row object that represents a grid's header row.

Rows As Object (Read-only)
Returns a collection of Row objects. Each Row object in the collection represents a row in a grid's body between the header and footer.

TableTag As String (Read-only)
Returns a grid's <TABLE> tag with all its attributes.


This object has no methods.
Table Object Output Object